
Text Me 334-357-6955 - The Best SMS Marketing Software - The Best SMS Texting Software Text Me: 334-357-6955


The Best SMS Marketing Software - SMS Send Text Software

Hey, this Steve Datoolguy. Thank you for coming out to this blog and video If you find this Blog and video on google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Pinterest, Instagram wherever you find this video you make sure you look above the video, below the video, to the left of the video or to the right of the video click the link in the description and take action

Go ahead and purchase this software all right also don't forget to like the video subscribe to the video subscribe to my channel share the video with your family and friends comment okay so you can stay up to date click the notification bell so you can stay up to date for future software for future updates of current software so you can stay tuned and stay in the loop.  I'm going to be making lots more software.

 All right let's go ahead and login unlock the software. Click that lock button. This is the software page. You can click any image and purchase any software you want. Click on Import. This is the page where you're going to import your list of numbers. The list of numbers must be converted. Let me show you what it supposed to look like. Click on the import button. Find your list that's converted. There it is it can be Att, Verizon, T-Mobile or whatever the case may be. It has to look like carrier email addresses.

If you need a software to convert your cell phone numbers look below the video to the left or to the right. Above and below click the link and purchase the software that will convert your numbers into carrier email addresses. It's just that simple. Let's unlock this feature by clicking add message. And there you go! All right it's unlocked. You name your message. Why you name your message? So you can find it down here with all the other messages that you probably created. Put your message here in the field.

I already have a saved message in the SMS Marketing Software. So I'm going to show you what the SMS Texting Software looks like. You can put the actual link in your message. You can put a phone number in your message. You can put anything in your message. You can have your clients to reply back to you. You can click save. Once you save it it will show up in the box below.

Make sure you keep it up and go to the next page. The smtp page is where your settings is going to be. You can name your smtp.
You can do your full name or you can name it anything you want. You can give it a name. Anything you want that's your preference. You will want to put your smtp email address here.

 Your smtp user id which is the email address that you're going to use and your password to your smtp email address. Type your server host. This is the server host that you bought your domain and your email from? You put your credentials here in this field. If you have multiple Smtp's let's say 5, 10 or 100 Smtp's, you can put how many sms text messages you want to send per smtp which is per email address. It will rotate through all the Smtp's for unlimited delivery. You can put zero and just focus on one smtp like I'm fixing to do in this video.

The port is 587 which is a universal port. The authentication box must be check. The SSL must be checked too. Since I already have a smtp saved, this is what it looks like Input your full name or whatever name you want to be disclosed in the from email field. This is the smtp you're sending from the user id is the smtp email address and the password. Make sure you spell your password correctly guys. It's case sensitive. 

This is the server host that I use. Put 587 in the port field. Check the authenticated option and the SSL option. Next click task manager. This is the smtp I'm going to use. This is the message I'm going to use. I can use all messages. If i have 10 messages I can rotate all 10 messages from one smtp. This feature gives it variety. I'm going to use this message and put a subject there. Let me put five seconds here just for the sake of an example.

I'm going to send a text message every five seconds. I recommend for you to send out a text message every 30 seconds or every 45 seconds. The longer the delay the better. The software will send out text messages individually. That's the best way to do it. For the sake of having an example in the video, I'm going to do it every five seconds just to speed up the video. Also you can pause it after so many text messages and start again a certain time, so it gives it a human touch. I sent out a couple text messages with the SMS Texting Software.

One to my cell phone sent again I'm going to stop it right there. I want to show you what that text messages looks like. I'm going to show you guys that it delivers. There you have it! It delivered directly to the cell phone. This is the text message I just got to my cell phone. If you find this video on google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, skype, Instagram, Pinterest wherever you find this video on internet look above the video, look below the video
look to the left or look to the right of the video and take action..

Make your purchase. That's all you have to do. Before you leave please subscribe, like, share, comment and click the notification bell if you're serious about your automation. Stay tuned, stay up to date on the newest software that I'm going to have. Stay tuned for new features on current software. Stay tuned for updates of the current software. This was a quick video and blog for the SMS Send Text Software.

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