
Registration and Use

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To be eligible to participate as an affiliate with Lead Traffic Network, you must be at least eighteen (18) years old, and have a valid tax ID or social security number. If you are in the United States you must complete a W9 form or its equivalent in your country. During the registration process you may be asked to provide certain information. In this information you represent and agree that all information is, and will remain, truthful and current.  In order to earn commissions from Lead Traffic Network affiliate program you must be an upgraded member of  Lead Traffic Network.

We reserve the right to determine your eligibility or terminate your participation with us at any time, without notice. We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time without notice or reason, particularly if you or your site violates any term of this Agreement or any applicable law. Termination of your account for breach or violation of law may include forfeiture of any compensation owed and disgorgement of any already paid.


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